One, Day, One Planet, One Goal
As part of World Cleanup Day, Gordon Macdonald MSP participated in a litter pick organised by Friends of the Pentlands on Saturday 15...
Economic Growth Exceeds Expectations
Positive economic growth as Scotland moves ahead of the UK. SNP MSP Gordon Macdonald has praised new figures showing that Scotland’s...

Tories Approach to Immigration is Damaging Scottish Life
SNP: Retirement age does not need to be raised The SNP has called for the devolution of immigration powers to the Scottish Parliament –...
Hypocrite Tories Put Politics Ahead of Kids' Futures
Ruth Davidson's party preying on the anxieties of parents. The Tory party has been criticised for putting party political games ahead...
SNP’s Programme For Government Drives Progress In Our Capital
This year’s SNP Programme for Government will help contribute to a successful and vibrant Edinburgh, driving progress in health, social...
Families Left Struggling As Tax Credits Centred On English Times
The SNP’s Gordon Macdonald has written to the UK government calling for reassessments of Child Tax Credits in Scotland to correspond with...